Falenty - one of the oldest settlements near Warsaw - is situated 14 km south of the capital's centre and 1 km from Raszyn and the main road leading from Warsaw to Krakow and Katowice.
On the 1st of July 1964, after the decision of the Minister of Agriculture, the Centre Falenty along with the palace (built in 1620 by of those days owner of Falenty Zygmunt Opacki, at first as Renaissance, in year 1784 rebuilt by architect S.B. Zug in classicistic style, enlarged by architect F.M. Lanci in 1852-57 and the farm a total area of 405.70 ha was turned into the Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Farming , established by act no. 610153 from 12 August 1953 of the Cabinet. Before then, the Institute was located at 50 Nowogrodzka Street in Warsaw in a house of the Agriculture Bank
The palace, the southern and northern annex and the park now belong to the institute. The palace houses the Board of Directors, the administration, the publishers and the library.
Research departments occupy the scientific pavilion (northern annex) built in 1951.
The Falenty farm was reorganized as the Agricultural Research Department under the Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Farming, renamed in 1968 as an independent Experiment Farm of Land Reclamation and Grassland Farming. In 1995 the Farm occupied 349 ha including 88 ha of arable lands, 96 ha of pastures and meadows and 110 ha of ponds. A large share of meadows within the farm area enables research on grassland management, which is one of the main tasks of the Institute.
According to the Act from 22 February 1991, the Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Farming obtained the rights of an endless user for the Falenty grounds, which formerly belonged to the State Treasury and were only managed by the Institute. The buildings, facilities and other components became the property of the Institute.
During its almost 50 years of activity on the Falenty grounds, the Institute made many investments (e.g. the education Centre for Personnel Improvement to train field melioration services, the Hydro-Melioration Laboratory, the Grassland Hall a residential quarter for employees of the Institute and Experiment Farm) and modernization. Since 1992 some of the Institute's buildings have had their purpose changed (e.g. the Centre or Grassland Hall) and have been rebuilt to serve as hotels - education centres.
The park surrounding the palace has been cared for. In 1989 (April-October) the whole park area was cleared (in co-operation with a nature conservator), self sown and ill trees were cut and ill monumental trees, the so-called nature monuments, were treated. All trees were marked. These works were made by the Workshop for Surgery, Care and Cutting of Trees from Warsaw.
After the decree of the Minister of Forestry and Wood Industry from the 16th of January 1978 "an area with farm ponds, islands and surrounding grounds with a total area of 110 ha, situated in the Raszyn commune, Varsovian province, property of the State and managed by the Experiment Farm of Land Reclamation and Grassland Farming in Falenty has been acknowledged as a nature reserve named Stawy Raszyńskie (Raszyn Ponds). Protection is aimed at preserving valuable breeding biotopes for many rare bird species and feeding and resting grounds for passerine birds". The Reserve "Raszyn Ponds" ("Stawy Raszyńskie") was included into the group of faunal reserves.
As a result of the mentioned activities, the palace complex in Falenty did not change its primary appearance, it was protected from the destructive action of time and may still serve science and society. |