Woda - Środowisko - Obszary Wiejskie

Tom 4 zeszyt 2b (12) (2004 r.)

Longina Nadolna

Possibilities of sheep grazing in the Sudeten

Key words: animal production, efficiency of pastures, fodder quality, mountain grasslands, sheep grazing systems

S u m m a r y

Results of studies on low-cost systems of sheep grazing in the Sudeten carried out in the Sudeten are presented in this paper. The effect of sheep grazing in separate herds (1979-1982) and together with cattle in mixed and consecutive variants (1986-1990) on yields, pasture sward quality, pasture utilisation and animal growth was compared. Possibilities of sheep production in the region were discussed.

The sward of studied pastures was of a good quality. The content of fibre did not exceed 300 g.kg -1 DM, and mean content of protein was in the range of 160-190 g.kg -1 DM. Too high content of potassium and negligible content of sodium was, however, recorded which unfavourably affected the proportion of macroelements. The efficiency of pastures varied. Mean dry matter yield in the years 1979-1982 was 8.5 t.ha -1 and in the years 1986-1990 - 6.6 t.ha -1 . The highest degree of pasture utilisation, 68 % on the average, was noted in mixed grazing. In this system the sheep attained the highest daily increments of 170 g. Both systems decreased weeding of the sward.

Address: dr inż. L. Nadolna, Dolnośląski Ośrodek Badawczy IMUZ, ul. Kraińskiego 16, 50-153 Wrocław; tel.+48 (71) 344-35-92, e-mail: longina.nadolna@secom.pl


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