Woda - Środowisko - Obszary Wiejskie

Tom 4 zeszyt 2b (12) (2004 r.)


Selected problems of mountain economy in the Sudeten
with special reference to transboundary cooperation

Key words: country problems, environmental protection, roads network, spatial structure, the Sudeten , transboundary problems, water management

S u m m a r y

Spatial and functional system of the Sudeten is formed in three countries: Poland , Czech Republic and Germany . This paper presents most important problems of the whole region in environmental protection, water management, protected areas, road network, border checkpoints and spatial management. Recommendations of the European Union for mountain regions and borderlands and political principles of the country and of Lower Silesian voivodship in respect to Polish part of the Sudeten were considered.

Main problems of the Sudeten were described in the regional scale with the consideration of transboundary cooperation and in the country scale for Polish part of the mountains. Most important problems to be solved now appear to be: flood control, air and running water protection, construction and modernization of roads in a way to restrict their environmental impact.

Address: prof. dr hab. J. Fatyga, Dolnośląski Ośrodek Badawczy IMUZ, ul. Kraińskiego 16, 50-153 Wrocław; tel.+48 (71) 344-35-92, e-mail: janina.fatyga@secom.pl

Instytut Melioracji i Użytków Zielonych w Falentach - Wydawnictwo