Journal of Water and Land Development

No. 5 (2001 r.)
  • Tomasz Szymczak, Zbigniew Kowalewski: Impact of reservoir systems on stream outflow in lowland catchment
  • Janusz Ostrowski: The importance of redox processes for the formation of water conditions in alluvial soils of the Vistula River delta
  • Sławomir Chrzanowski, Edmund Kaca: The effect of land use on physical and water properties of peat-moorsh soils
  • Stanisław Twardy, Antoni Kuźniar, Marek Kopacz: Hydrochemical evaluation of surface water in the mountain catchments
  • Piotr Burczyk, Oene Oenema, Peter Kuikmann, Gerard Velthof: Nitrous oxide emission from grassland in different management conditions (fertilization regimes)
  • Katarzyna Dąbrowska-Zielińska, M. Susan Moran, Stephan J. Maas, Paul J. Pinter Jr., Bruce A. Kimball, Tom A. Mitchell, Thomas R. Clarke, Jiaguo Qi: Demonstration of a remote sensing/modelling approach for irrigation scheduling and crop growth forecasting
  • Andrzej Ciepielowski: Relationships between selected elements of the flood hydrographs in rivers
  • Janusz Kubrak, Frank Tönsmann: Velocity and discharge prediction in straight compound channels using the eddy viscosity concept

Instytut Melioracji i Użytków Zielonych w Falentach - Wydawnictwo