Journal of Water and Land Development

No. 2 (1998 r.)
  • Preface 
  • Maria Gruszczyńska, Katarzyna D±browska-Zielińska: Application of micro-wave images from European Remote Sensing Satellites (ERS-1, ERS-2) for soiI moisture estimates
  • Janusz Ostrowski, Zofia Stępniewska, Witold Stępniewski, Jan Gliński: Computer maps of the redox properties of arable soils in Poland.
  • Maria Iracka, Waldemar Rudnicki: The possibilities of cartographic presentation of the structure of land use of agricultural terrain in suburban areas using aerial photographs and satellite images 
  • Przemysław Wolski, Agata Cieszewska: A concept of landscape planning of a small urban river valley 
  • Henryk Okruszko: System of fen-peat soils description used in Poland.
  • Henryk Okruszko: Preconditions for the nitrogen transformations in organogenic soils as related to water eutrophication 
  • Róża Kochanowska, Paweł Pieńkowski, Lesław Wołejko: Characteristics of intrafield water holes in Western Pomerania in relation to differentiation of the young-glacial landscape and human impact
  • Janusz Ostrowski: A computer method for the assessment of agro-ecological hazard of industrial dusts
  • Magdalena Borys: Causes of and methods for preventing degradation process of the embankments constructed of organic soils 
  • Jacek Pawlik-Dobrowolski: Application of a method of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balance for the assessment of water quality hazard of the non-point pollution 

Instytut Melioracji i Użytków Zielonych w Falentach - Wydawnictwo